VNS White Clover

        White Clover is a high quality, cool season, short-lived perennial legume that is well adapted to all areas of the Northeast and Eastern Canada.  Once established, It grows rapidly and spreads via above ground stems or stolens.  However, white clover has a shallow root system which makes it intolerant of droughty soils.  It grows best during cool, moist weather on well-drained, fertile soils with a pH between 6 and 7.  Because of its low growth habit, it is normally planted with a grass and used mainly for pasture. There are at least 2 general types of white clover which are indistinguishable from one another except for their size. Common or white dutch clovers are low growing with short leaf stems petioles.  Their yield is low but they persist better under heavy continuous grazing than the larger, taller growing Ladino types.

Establishment and Management

          Briefly, seeds of white clover are relatively small, about 800,000 seeds

Per pound.  White clover can be “frost seeded” (in early spring when the soil is still honey combed with frost) into existing grass pasture, or no-tilled into existing pastures.

          Seedings of white clover and grass into a conventionally prepared seedbed is also an excellent method of establishment.  Grasses that have been grown with white clover in the Northeast include kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, smooth bromegrass, tall fescue, timothy and orchardgrass.  Shallow seeding (1/4 inch or less) on a firm seedbed is essential.  Press wheels or cultipacking in conjunction with band seeding will improve soil/seed contact.  Fluid or airflow seeding on a firm, well prepared seedbed is also an effective method of establishment.  However, cultipacking before and after seeding with this method is important.

          A seeding rate of 2-4 lbs/acre into an existing grass sod is sufficient.  When used in a mixture with grass, 2 lbs/acre of white clover is plenty.

          Lime and fertility needs of white clover should be based on a soil test taken before planting, and clover or clover/grass stands should be fertilized annually according to soil test recommendations.

          Harvesting white clover for hay or silage is generally based on the grass in mixture with the clover.  For pasture, white dutch clovers can be grazed continuously or rotationally.  For Ladino types grown with a tall growing grass, rotational grazing is preferred.  In predominantly white clover pastures, bloat can be a problem.

  A seeding rate of 2-4 lbs/acre into an existing grass sod is sufficient. 

 When used in a mixture with grass, 2 lbs/acre of white clover is plenty.