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Manhattan 7 GLR Perennial Ryegrass
  • Dark green color and fine texture
  • High salt tolerance
  • Gray leaf spot resistance
  • Excellent disease resistance

MANHATTAN 7 GLR (PST-2AM) promises to set the standard for another long run of high quality seed and top performance. Produced by the Manhattan Ryegrass Growers Association, this new cultivar will continue to build on the laurels created by the 40-year history of this program.

While bred to withstand attacks of Gray Leaf Spot, Manhattan 7 GLR also possesses salt tolerance, and resistance to not only stem rust, but also leaf spot. It's dark green color and fine texture will insure it continues to be prominent in overseeding programs and permanent turf programs across North America. It's excellent yield potential guarantees good availability at competitive prices.

Entered into the 2004 National Perennial Ryegrass Trials, we are expecting GREAT things from Manhattan 7 GLR.

Foot Traffic Tolerance Good
Site Type Lawn, Construction & Reclamation cover, Athletic Field
Color 4
Seeding Rate: 6-8 lbs. per 1,000 sq ft